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On track to be a 401k millionaire when you retire?

Congratulations! That is a HUGE accomplishment!

I’ll bet you’re looking forward to an AWESOME retirement.

Or put more directly…what if after all these years of saving, you still end up slowly watching your bank accounts go to zero while you (or your spouse) live way longer than you thought you would?

You’re not alone.  I guessed it was your #1 fear because recent data shows running out of money IS the #1 fear of people about to retire or already retired*.

But not to worry. Here at Marsh Wealth Management, we live and breathe retirement planning and we specialize in making sure people end their days with money still in the bank. 

Let me guess what your #1 fear is…running out of money before you run out of life?
Happy couple, broker and contract in a house for a meeting or consultation for retirement
How do we do that, you ask? 

Well, we break down retirement living into major categories - Income, Investing, Healthcare, Taxes, Estate Planning, and Emotional Wellbeing – and then we have specific strategies around each category that address the one uncertainty ALL retirees face, no matter how rich or poor they are.

You probably guessed it: No one knows how long they’re going to live. The longer you live, the more time there is for something to go wrong.  But have no fear!  A solid plan deals with the “what-ifs” in retirement - we don’t just use best-case scenarios and hope nothing ever goes wrong (market drop, health scare, etc. Ugh).  We use reasonable planning scenarios and then stress-test it, knowing that life DOES throw curve balls. 

Then, if the “what-ifs” of retirement life DO happen, you can fearlessly say, “SO WHAT? I’ve got a plan for that.”

To get you started on your retirement journey, I’ll even give you our top 3 actionable tips for FREE because this information is too vital to keep to ourselves. 

Download our free pdf: Retiring Soon? 3 Things to Do Now to Keep from Running Out of Money Later.

I’ll follow up with a few (I promise only a few) emails where I’ll give you more “how-to” information on these three actionable tips.

So, what are you waiting for?  No one wants to live a small penny-pinching retirement, especially not you! 

Download this free guide and get ready to experience a head-rush of excitement and dare I say…joy! (Okay, I may have overstated that, but I know you’ll still be glad you did.)

*Rearick, B. (2023, September 13). Even Millionaires are Afraid They’ll Outlive Their Retirement Savings. Money.

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